Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Soon to be seen in the December issue of Voice

Christmas lights and electric menorahs are lit halfway through November.  They turn on at dusk and remain on until dawn.  Being ‘green’ or eco-friendly is all the rage these days, so why not make an effort this holiday season to conserve while still remaining festive? 

Replace Christmas bulbs (outdoor and on your tree) with LED lights.  LEDs typically last three times longer than regular lights and use 90 percent less energy than holiday mini-lights (  They still look the same, except are brighter, and are just as traditional and merry as the old ones.
Use old CDs for drink coasters instead of store-bought ones.  Since CDs are generally out-of-date nowadays thanks to MP3 format, reusing these circular discs of plastic into fun coasters is an easy way to conserve.  If the shiny underside of a disk does not match with your décor, painting them is very easy and looks professional if done neatly. 
 —Instead of throwing uneaten food in the garbage, consider creating a compost pile.  These piles of waste are easy to start—just add some grass clippings and dried leaves, then your food.  Composting is great for your soil as well as being a great way to conserve.
Save some watts while being festive: light candles.  Just make sure you don’t overdo the scents, and that you light enough—nobody wants to eat in the dark.
Turn down the thermostat, put on a sweater, and use your fireplace.   A fire can create a warm (no pun intended), jovial mood in any festive house.  Consider installing a chimney-top damper so heat doesn’t completely escape from your home.
Give some eco-friendly gifts this season.  A recycled calendar, a donation to a charity or the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in someone’s name, or Energy Star rated appliances or electronics are all appropriate green gifts for a person.  People also miss the greenery of the outdoors, so a flower or herb kit is an idea.  Save gas by ordering online, or visit a nearby store.
Wrap gifts in recycled wrapping paper or the comics section of the newspaper.  Or, if the gift receiver isn’t picky, you could use a recycled bag.  Wrapping paper is a huge waste of paper, and is ripped apart and thrown away in the end. 
Holiday cards also are a waste of paper.  Sending an e-card or using recycled paper are more environmentally-conscious ways to get your message across.

Each holiday season costs the planet by emitting excessive amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.  You can make a difference every year simply by turning on your LED lights a few weeks before the holiday instead of months before.  Wait until it is completely dark, then turn on lights, and don’t leave them on all night; it’s not like anyone is admiring your decorations at three in the morning.  The holidays are not meant to be wasteful—they are all about giving and celebrating.  Saving energy is a gift in itself. You too can dream of a green Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa this December.

Monday, October 11, 2010


High school stinks.  Sometimes.  It depends.  But today was atrocious, that's for sure.  I woke up feeling like I died, went to school like a zombie, and most importantly, failed at Minesweeper. 
That game just drives me bonkers, especially because I never did figure out how to play it.  Since I was a little kid I have been trying to figure it out, but ended up just clicking randomly, losing, then clicking the awesome little smiley face to start all over again.  To me, the mysterious strategy of Minesweeper makes as much sense as my third period English teacher plus lots of coffee.  And speaking of my English teacher, she said "in essence" six times today! (I kept little tally marks on the bottom of our "thesis statement" assignment.)  And speaking of assignments, I have to----wait, how did I get on this topic?  See, this is why school should start at least five hours later; our little minds can't take this much mental stimulation at such an early hour.  They expect us to function at 7:20 in the MORNING. (Yes, that's when school starts.)  Even worse, they expect us to actually stay awake, pay attention, and excel at that hour.  Wait until I take AP courses.

Your tiredness,

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just Dance: the official review

Wednesday 8/4/10 time 9:08 PM - J
So here's a story from A to Z, you wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully,...
Recognize those lyrics? Yep, they're from that annoyingly catchy Spice Girls song, Wannabe. Or Wanna Be. Or something like that. Find this song and more on that non-annoyingly addicting dance game, Just Dance.
Pros: It features 32 songs of different genres. Some good, some bad, some...uh...never mind. Keyword: variety. One song is from 1962, while another is from last year.  Although only moving arms is necessary to succeed point-wise, if you really work at it, you do build up a good sweat. Well, for us girls, glow. You can play this game at parties and have fun while sloughing off calories! Who knew that was even possible?
Cons: Well, you DO get tired of the songs at one point. Maybe there should be a difficulty meter, like easy, medium, hard, expert, sort of thing. Like "Rock Band". There is a "short version" "full version" option, but when you're just getting into a song, the short version's over after three blinks. They should have a Just Dance 2, like everything else, with different songs and a difficulty thing.
Summary: Just Dance is a great game to play when you're chillin' with the gals (or guys) or you just feel like groovin' on a Friday night by yourself. Just beware of jealous siblings who want to beat your score.
Just Dance receives J's Seal of Approval.

Postness Madness

  All posts are transferred from our Moogo site.



Sunday 9/5/10 time 5:46 PM - J
Oh. My. Gosh.

So THIS is high school?  Four years of this? Really?? I'm sick of it after two full days. Drat.  Bad sign.  Let's have a look at my typical high school day.
5:30 AM: Good day, sunshine... 
It's still dark out, I am literally a walking zombie, and it feels like I just went to sleep five minutes before having to wake up again.  And I haven't even survived a week of this. UGH.
6:40 AM: It's just another manic Monday...
Hobbling out of my estate, I walk to my bus stop.  What the--is that a hobo? Some guy from the 'hood? Nope, just a senior.  The other kids just stand there, playing with some priceless device, not muttering a word.  Then, the bus comes, and takes us all to jail.  Er, school.  Ugh, this is going to be BAAAAAD.
7:20 AM:  Allll through the day, I me mine, I me mine, I me mine...
Walk in to the classroom to see my first period teacher e-mailing some homies on her labtop.  I sit in my flimsy desk in silence, all alone.  Five seconds before the bell, kids start piling in, gossiping their little putrid heads off.  Quiz Tuesday? Yep, we didn't even learn anything yet and there's a quiz the day after Labor Day.  Niiiiiice.
Next class, a long hour and a half later: Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble...
French class! Whoo-hoo! My favorite part of the day.  Our teacher gives us croissants with Nutella.  How can you not love it?
After French I get to enjoy the act of walking across a field to get to the other campus.  At least I do it with my best friends.
After walking, next class: If I ever get out of here...
English: the worst class of the day. Then after another long hour an a half, is gym/ orchestra.  Gym sounds okay, but orchestra? The director is...let's not go there. Let's not go there.
Well, that's a typical day of my first few experiences in high school.  So, whadda YOU think? Would YOU be able to survive it? Comment heavily on this blog, and you will see a new diary entry every week!
J's Gems exclusive


Sunday 8/22/10 time 3:17 PM - J
September 1st.
11:30 AM.
This day will go down as history-----as the most dreaded day of Boehm's 2010 class' life.
Or, the most exciting.
But for all students, this day must come. And it will come, in a matter of days.  Hours.  Minutes.  Seconds.  BAM!  It will arrive.  In nine days.

Join J and her classmates as they write their experiences from the biggest highschool campus on planet Earth (or so it seems).  Join us, as we write our way through our young adult life.  Join us, and hear our voices as we tell this story as it comes.  Feel our thoughts. Hear our voices. See through our eyes. Dread our dreads. Fail our failures.  (this is getting a little overboard here...)  Join us, and read the one and only
J's Gems exclusive

Just Dance: the official review

Tuesday 8/3/10 time 3:10 PM - J
So here's a story from A to Z, you wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully,...
Recognize those lyrics? Yep, they're from that annoyingly catchy Spice Girls song, Wannabe. Or Wanna Be. Or something like that. Find this song and more on that non-annoyingly addicting dance game, Just Dance.
Pros: It features 32 songs of different genres. Some good, some bad, some...uh...never mind. Keyword: variety. One song is from 1962, while another is from last year.  Although only moving arms is necessary to succeed point-wise, if you really work at it, you do build up a good sweat. Well, for us girls, glow. You can play this game at parties and have fun while sloughing off calories! Who knew that was even possible?

Album reviews

Thursday 2/18/10 time 5:55 PM - J
Sgt. Pepper...White Album...Revolver...Rubber Soul...Abbey Road...Magical Mystery Tour...Help...A Hard Day's Night...Please Please Me...With the Beatles...Beatles for Sale...Yellow Submarine...Let it Be...They're all so can you choose? Somehow I managed to find a favorite: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (No, I did NOT make up that name). But how are you supposed to find a second, third, fourth,...thirteenth favorite? This brings us to...
~J's Own Beatles' Albums Reviews~
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band--
This album was considered the greatest rock album of all time (No, I did NOT make that up, even though I agree with the statement.), and it's no surprise why.  It starts out with its title song, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", then "Billy Shears" (Ringo) has his lovely solo of "With a Little Help from My Friends" (not actually written by Ringo, due to lack of...ahem...talent). The order of the rest of the songs is unnecessary.  Between uplifting "Getting Better" to dark and mystifying "Within You Without You" by George Harrison is a vast range, but both are gems, to coin a phrase.  Psychedelic songs flow throughout this album, including John's son inspired "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (No, it has nothing to do with any drug) and "A Day in a Life", the "epic song", to quote Beatles Rock Band experts. Conjuring magic is a good way to define "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!", and the happy wake-up song "Good Morning Good Morning can really lighten up any day.  "Lovely Rita", a, well, lovely song, could be interpreted as a Paul is Dead thing...I say it's just a good song.  How about "She's Leaving Home" for a harp-ish lyrical rock song? For those heavy metal (yech!) lovers, don't listen to this song; you will rule out the Beatles completely (I know from SOME PEOPLE [with bad--er--terrible taste]) who apparently dislike good music.  "Fixing a Hole" is a, according to my brother, a "rip-off", but I beg to differ.  It's the BEATLES, of COURSE it's good! Don't get me started about the JE theme song, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Geez, how do you pronounce that? RePREEZ, REprize,...oh, forget it. Gosh. Let's just call it the other Sgt. Pepper at the end of the album (ok, second-to-last song, but let's not go there). A cool song, it nicely wraps up the album to finish with "A Day in a Life".  Lastly, but not leastly, "When I'm Sixty-Four" (no, not "64", S I X T Y- F O U R. They're out to kill us.) I was surprised when I heard this: Paul wrote this when he was 16! Or, for those picky people,  S I X T E E N. It was one of his first songs! They just never recorded it and got it on an album. But here it is, seven years later.  I will post links to all of the songs in the album so you can hear them--coming soon.

The Beatles are Back!

Friday 11/13/09 time 4:13 PM - J
Beatlemania--all over again (in my world)! Have you noticed that ever since Beatles Rock Band came out, The Beatles have been popular? The same day of BRB's arrival, a whole set of all the Beatles' great songs have come out on disk: The Beatles Remastered. Now is the time to start up a great obsession for a great band. Except for the fact that the CD set is over $260! I wouldn't even consider owning that collection for that price! But, on the other hand, BRB (Beatles Rock Band, we will call it) is definately worth owning. Thanks to the public library, I was able to fully experience the new game for Wii. Playing as George Harrison (lead guitar) for most of it was nice. Then I figured out that I could play the bass guitar from my regular guitar! Now I could play as Paul McCartney.  To play as John Lennon was something I would not do, since I would never sing out loud all alone in my basement.  And of course, that leaves Ringo Starr. Not my favorite guy in the world, but I played as him when I played the drums. All of the songs were good, and so was the game.  Album of the week: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Bye  for  now,  grooooooovy!

Archie Marries Veronica 4

Thursday 11/12/09 time 6:46 PM - J
And..............................we are back, mi amigos. This time: with the results. Did Veronica give birth to a boy or a girl? The answer is........................................BOTH! She had twins!! I could have predicted that. Even OBF could have predicted that! (or...maybe not.) But you will never believe this. Next issue: ARCHIE MARRIES BETTY!!!!!!!!!! What next? Archie has a baby? We shall see what happens next in the next issue in the next month in the next blog. Bye!

Archie Marries Veronica 3

Monday 10/12/09 time 5:40 PM - J
Remember in August when Archie proposed to Veronica? Well, the second issue is out and in this one, Archie weds Veronica. Guess what's next...Veronica has a baby? can't be that...can it? 1. Proposal. 2. Marriage. 3. Child. That's the truth! The next issue is Veronica having a kid! Do you think things are being rushed a little?
This issue starts out with a recap of the previous issue, the proposal. Archie and Veronica prep for the wedding...the wedding takes place...and then they go on a honeymoon in a private beach house. Archie starts working...then Veronica tells him that she's pregnant...then Archie faints.
Yeah. It's strange. Is it a boy or a girl? We shall find out. See you next month!

~another fine blog by J~
1 comment . Keywords: archie

Archie Marries Veronica 2

Wednesday 8/19/09 time 2:49 PM - J
Remember back in June when the blog about Archie marrying Veronica came out? Archie #600 brings part 1 of 6 of "The Wedding".  Part 1 came out today. It is now in J's possesion.
Archie goes down the infamous 'memory lane' seen in previous comics (the character goes into the past), but this time Archie takes a different path and visits the future. He ends up graduating from college.
For more of the story in part 1, comment on this blog post. J will keep posting as the other parts of the story come out. STAY TUNED...

~another fine blog by J~

Isometric exercises

Wednesday 7/15/09 time 1:17 PM - J
What are isometrics? They are simple exercises that you could do at home to improve your muscles. Here are a few:
The Plank~for abdomen improvement (stomach muscles)
  1. Start out by lying flat on the floor.
  2. Slowly raise the body so you are resting on your toes and forearms.
  3. Keep the back flat and the abdominal muscles tight.
  4. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
Sholder Raises~for sholder muscle improvement
  1. Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and the knees slightly bent.
  2. Grasp a dumbbell (weight) in each hand and raise the weight out towards your side until it is at shoulder length and your arm is parallel to the ground (like you are about to make a partial snow angel).
  3. Hold the weight in this position for 10-30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
The Chair~for quadricept improvement (thigh muscels)
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back firmly against a wall.
  2. Slowly slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. If necessary, move your feet away from the wall to ensure your knees do not extend past your toes (like you are sitting in an invisible chair)
  4. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
Calf Raises~for calf improvement (lower portion of leg, below knee area)
  1. Stand next to a wall on one foot and touch the wall lightly for balance, if necessary, but do not allow yourself to rest against the wall.
  2. Rise up onto your toes (I think you should bend your knees slightly to work your thighs)
  3. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds.
  4. Switch feet and repeat the exercise for the other calf.
  5. Repeat the exercise on both calves 2-3 times.
Easy enough. If you want more, just comment on this story. Let me know how they work!

~another fine blog by J~

Archie marrying Veronica?

Wednesday 6/10/09 time 4:38 PM - J
Betty, the sweet, wholesome, girl-next-door can fix your car, bake you cookies, AND do your algebra homework. Veronica, on the other hand, will make you...well...nothing.  But at least she is rich, snobbish, and, Archie's favorite: good looking. So, who would you choose to let Archie (clumsy, not that bright, "broke")...marry? According to Archie Comics editors, Archie will propose and snobby Veronica. This story has been broadcasted on the news, blogs, and more. The comic that tells it all will come out in September. See you then with results!
Check out and click on the characters' blogs for more information.

~Another fine blog by J~

Global Warming-how you can help

Monday 6/8/09 - J
Here are some easy ways you can help slow down global warming.  CO2
  • Paper or plastic? neither- use a burlap or reuseable bag.
  • Turn off the gas when you wait in line for a drive-through.
  •  2030: the year that scientists predict most glaciers will be gone.
  • Recycle
  • Limit car use
  • Cold? Put on a sweater--not the heat.
  • ...more to come...
Write your ideas on our messageboard!


Recipies~how to make fabulous juices, smoothies, J's world- renowned beauty products, and other stuff

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bANANA bERRY pOWER sMOOTHIE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aPPLE pIE sMOOTHIE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mEGA mOISTURIZING hAIR mASK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J&OBF's oRIGINAL fACE mASK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

J's Gems-isms

J's Géms-isms→the wit and wisdom of yours truly, J

currently discontinued.


Start a new year fresh by not looking at random psychobabble.


Each time you go shopping for groceries or anything, take along a reuseable or burlap bag. Paper is a waste of trees, and plastic bags end up in landfills or dumps--for thousands of years. If you have to, request a biodegradable bag or container. They disintegrate much faster, but it's still better to bring your own.

How to win someone's respect: Try asking about the person's interests or hobbies. Ask about them. That way, you show that you are interested in them and are not currently thinking about yourself.

A simple phrase of why people act the way they sometimes do: because they can.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Buy stuff that is recycleable. Just look at the number in the triangle at the bottom of every container. Then recycle it!

If you feel that you annoy a person, stop. It is probably from boardom.

Crave something often? Eat nuts.

Warm up your brain in the morning! When you brush your teeth, count the number of times you brush each tooth.

Take your time. After all, slow and steady wins the race!

Go with the flow, unless the flow doesn't like chocolate.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The new J's Gems!

Welcome! Bievenue! Wilkommen! Hola! 
It's the new...
This was currently, but due to Moogo's cheapness, it was closed. This will be updated with all the benefits of the original J's Gems in the near future. Check back weekly with J's new "the High School Diaries" and more awesome happenings.
Happy October!