
~Movie Premier~ 

Friday--the best day of the week. Make it even better by attending J's Gems' Official Movie Premier! This Friday at 7:00 will be the premiering of Help! (a Beatles movie). Even though this movie is really weird, it is a BEATLES movie. Ringo is the main character. Enjoy!

The first one is part 1, and the bottom one is part 2. If you want to see more ahead of time, Google Help! movie Beatles. (The bathroom scene in pt 2 is notable) Links to other parts:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:

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7/20/09~Apollo 11 40th anniversary!
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3/8/10~Determined J enters the March site of the month contest!
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